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A Near Future Film – Diverse Thinkers Wanted

The Near Future Film - Diverse Thinkers Wanted

We’ll soon be able to access all the information we need, whenever we need it—without moving a muscle. A suite of smart, intuitive technologies will transform the way we collaborate and solve problems, boosting creativity and productivity in every aspect of our professional and personal lives. The future of work never looked brighter.

The technology behind the film includes:

On-Call Mixed Reality

Mixed reality (MR) tech incorporated into everyday objects, like eyewear, will give us the near-superhuman power to access relevant information about anything we see, without the extra step of using a handheld device. Helpful overlays will instantly appear in our line of vision when we need them, providing instant guidance, such as street addresses and much more, as we go about our day.

Public Light Field

Multi-user public light field displays will take collaboration to the next level. No matter where they are, coworkers will be able to interact and share information seamlessly. Just like in the film, the light fields of the future will be capable of projecting complex virtual objects that anyone can see and manipulate in real time. And if one-on-one conversation is required, team members can always enable a private session through a secure channel.

Autonomous Taxi Fleet

Hailing a cab will become a thing of the past, thanks to next-generation ride sharing technology. Once we’ve signed up for the service, an autonomous taxi will always be available to take us anywhere we need to go at a moment’s notice. There’s no need to drive—or even own a car. Just hop in and go.

Layered Video Conferencing

Future layered videoconferencing solutions will allow us to interface with our teammates in a way we’ve never done before. Traditional video will be enhanced with the latest mixed reality and virtual reality tech that will help get everyone on the same page, eliminate distractions and allow us to focus on the thing that matters most: coming up with brilliant ideas.

Ear-Piece AI

Continuous AI assistance will give us the ability to make smart, calculated decisions on the fly. As depicted in the film, Nikki’s ear-piece AI can confirm important information, schedule an impromptu meeting, reserve a holo-room, provide on-the-go directions, replay messages and follow a variety of other instructions without ever slowing her down. The applications of this type of technology are endless.


With the advancement of holographic telepresence technology, our workspaces are getting a major upgrade. New high-tech meeting rooms will come equipped with light field displays and tables that can render 3D projects in volumetric space. This will forever change the way we collaborate, allowing us to make better decisions faster.

Alternative Interfacing

Next-gen technology will allow us to perform tasks in new and unexpected ways. For example, in the film, Nikki’s coworker is able to manipulate a virtual object by simply moving the gaze of his eyes. In the near future, this type of alternative interfacing will become part of our regular workday.

Affordable Light Field Units

As with any new technology, widespread adoption of light fields will help drive down price, allowing manufacturers to create smaller, more affordable units for everyday use. They will eventually be installed at museums, libraries, train stations or any other public space to display helpful information in a new, interactive way.

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