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Leading vs. Managing: What Every Leader Should Know

Showing a person leaping from manager cliff to leader cliff

In today's fast-paced business environment, leaders are often mistaken for managers. While both roles require the ability to motivate and coordinate teams, there's a significant difference between the two. Simply put, managers focus on tasks and processes that get things done, while leaders prioritize inspiring and guiding their teams to achieve the organization's vision.

Managing Teams

Managing is often associated with micromanaging, providing detailed instructions, and ensuring every little task is executed as planned. A manager's primary goal is to ensure everything is done efficiently and within deadlines. While this is an important goal, managing doesn't leverage the capabilities of the team members. Instead, managers get robot-like performance, where team members just do what they're told without offering their own insights or ideas.

Leading Teams

Leaders, on the other hand, must inspire and motivate their teams to push past boundaries. They must create an environment of trust and shared values that encourage open communication and collaboration between team members. This allows them to tap into the creative potential of each individual, which can lead to innovative solutions and new ideas. Leaders are also responsible for setting clear objectives and providing guidance by helping the team stay focused on vision.

Struggle Is Part of the Journey

Leading is difficult. The key skills for a leader is learning to delegate. It's about identifying and assigning the right responsibilities to the right people while allowing them to make decisions. Delegating allows leaders to focus on their highest priorities and lets their team members grow and develop new skills. When delegating, it's important to set expectations and goals clearly and provide the necessary resources and support.

Delegating by itself is not sufficient. It's important for a leader to let go of control and let the team struggle. It's human nature to want to help, but jumping in and doing everything for them will not build trust or respect. Instead, it can create a culture of resentment and dependency. Leaders should give their team room to learn from their mistakes and develop a sense of ownership and accountability.

Building trust

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